Pulverizadores Fede’s AIs system wins the "Best Solution for 4.0 Fields" Award at Expo Agritech 2024

This high-precision technology enables savings up to 43% in pesticide use in specialty crops treatments

Pulverizadores Fede’s AIs system wins the "Best Solution for 4.0 Fields" Award at Expo Agritech 2024
Pulverizadores Fede’s AIs system wins the "Best Solution for 4.0 Fields" Award at Expo Agritech 2024

Pulverizadores Fede’s AIs system has received another technological award, recognized as the Best Solution for a 4.0 Field at Expo Agritech 2024 (Málaga, Spain), a technology fair dedicated to improving agricultural sector competitiveness through innovation and sustainability.

This event brought together over 8.000 agricultural professionals to showcase the latest advancements in management systems, agricultural machinery, post-harvest equipment, greenhouses, energy, food safety, biotechnology, among others.

AIs System: effective treatments saving up to 43% on pesticides use

AIs is an integrated agronomic solution for specialty crops based on image processing and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Installed on a tractor, AIs can “see” the condition and vigor of crops by capturing images with 3D cameras that deliver highly detailed, precise, and timely resolution. The processing of these images provides valuable visual information about the size and condition of crops, enabling tree-by-tree precision treatments.

Connected to a sprayer with H3O technology, the AIs system sends individualized nozzle opening and closing commands to adapt the spray volume to the dimensions of the crop. This equipment maintains consistent pressure and flow, ensuring effective and uniform distribution and deposition of treatments.

Using the AIs system for phytosanitary treatments results in up to 43% savings in pesticide use and up to 20% savings in foliar fertilizers. This makes the AIs system an innovative solution that significantly enhances the profitability and competitiveness of agricultural businesses while improving the sustainability of treatments for environmental positive impact.

About the LIFE-AIs Project

The AIs system has received support from the European Union’s LIFE program to develop the project under the acronym LIFE-AIs (Project 101074540 — LIFE21-ENV-ES-Life-AIs). The consortium includes Fede (project leader), Agerpix as a technological partner, and major specialty crops growers such as Castillo de Canena (olive groves) and Dominio Fournier D.O. Ribera de Duero (vineyards) from the González Byass Family of Wine, as well as Agróptimum (pistachios). The technology is currently being tested and refined in plantations owned by the consortium members, aiming to expedite the transfer of innovation to the agricultural sector. For more information, visit:

About Kubota

Kubota has been a leading manufacturer of agricultural equipment, construction equipment, lawn mowers and Industrial Engines since 1890. With its global Headquarters in Osaka Japan, offices in more than 120 countries, and more than 55,000 employees in North America, Europe and Asia, Kubota had a turnover of $21.4 billion in 2023. Although machinery equipment is its main products line, Kubota also produces a wide range of products such as city water purification systems, irrigation systems, piping systems, roof and home construction, and large underground valves.


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Our Brand Statement, “For Earth, For Life,” speaks to our commitment to the conservation of the environment while aiding the production of food and water supplies, which are vital to meet the needs of our society, as the world’s population continues to grow. This mission is accomplished every time a Kubota tractor harvests the land to produce food or when our construction equipment excavates to transport water or provide shelter. For more information on Kubota, please visit or .


KHE Corporate Communications

Will Pike

Kubota Group Solutions Hub

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